What is eXroid and how does it differ from traditional surgery?

eXroid treatment involves the use of a small probe that emits a gentle electrical current of 16 milliampoules to the base of the haemorrhoid. This current induces a chemical change in the haemorrhoid, creating an excess of alkali which seals off the feeding varicose blood vessel. This results in the haemorrhoid being starved of its blood supply, causing it to shrink. Unlike traditional surgical methods like hemorrhoidectomy, which involve cutting or removing the swollen tissue, eXroid treatment is non-surgical with no cutting involved, and does not require anaesthesia. This makes it a much less invasive option with minimal discomfort and downtime for patients.

How long does the treatment itself take?

eXroid treatment is quick, usually taking up to 10 minutes per haemorrhoid. The consultation process and treatment of 3 piles would take about an hour to complete.

How many treatments will I need?

Many patients require just one or two treatments, with up to an 80% reduction in size of the treated haemorrhoid. Multiple haemorrhoids or larger haemorrhoids may need more than one treatment. This will vary between patients. You will be advised at the time of consultation on whether you are likely to require more than one treatment, or if another treatment modality (such as laser haemorrhoidectomy) would be more appropriate. Please be aware that it is not always possible to be absolutely certain on the number of treatments required as this can vary from patient to patient depending on different factors.

Is the treatment painful?

The eXroid treatment itself is gentle and results in either no pain or minimal discomfort as a result of the current delivered to the pile. However, in order to get the probe to the base of the pile, a proctoscope (hollow plastic tube) is inserted into the back passage. This might feel a bit uncomfortable and slightly painful to some. The base of the pile lies above a point in the anal canal known as the dentate line. Above this line, there are very few nerve endings, which is why the treatment does not cause pain. A dull ache can be experienced. If this causes problems with tolerating the procedure, the current can be reduced to improve comfort levels.
Very occasionally the muscles surrounding the anal canal can spasm as a response to the presence of the proctoscope, which can cause pain. Relaxation techniques with guidance from the doctor can help to resolve this and reduce discomfort.

Are there any conditions that would prevent me from having eXroid treatment?

Apart from not being able to tolerate the procedure, we would advise against having treatment if you have the following conditions:

Presence of a pacemaker or defibrillator implant
Bleeding disorder
Anticoagulant therapy with Warfarin if your INR is 3.0 or greater.
Any active anorectal infection
Inflammatory Bowel disease
Lower abdominal/lower quadrant kidney transplant patients
External haemorrhoids

How much does it cost?

Please look at our pricing guide below for more information on pricing

eXroid Haemorrhoid treatment price guide *

ProcedurePrice guide
Haemorrhoid consultation£195
eXroid treatment£1650
Further treatment sessions if required£500

* eXroid treatment Includes 3-month follow up and one repeat procedure if required